Saint Columbkille Students Head Back to the Classroom

Students in Ms. Hoyer's grade 1 class write in journals, enjoy a socially distanced lunch, and take a movement break during the day.
write in journalssocially distant lunch
Students in Ms. Flanagan's grade 3 class learn Math in a group lesson. Her classroom also creates a joyful environment for students to learn.
flanagan classroom
K2 artists in Ms. Falconer's class learned and explored line, texture, collage and careful coloring to create their "Awesome Otters."
awesome otters
In Ms. Birnberg's science class, students in grades 2-5 participated in a scavenger hunt in a local park to review terms and concepts they had learned in previous years. Younger students were challenged to find things like insects, clouds, and mammals, while older grades looked for things like interactions between living creatures and the environment, water in the form of a solid, liquid, or gas, and matter dense enough to sink in water. 
birnberg sciencebirnberg science