Loyola Academy Honors October “Loyola Leaders of the Month”

Grade 6 student Enzo Cownie, Grade 7 student Nora Sullivan and Grade 8 student Rosemary Cyr were named October “Loyola Leaders of the Month” (LLM), a program implemented to promote self-awareness, practice the Jesuit philosophy, and develop a greater sense of community among the middle school community.

“Enzo has recently stepped up as a 6th grade leader in Loyola Academy, demonstrating the Jesuit value of Magis, always striving to do more and to be more,” says Loyola teacher Ms. Phelps. “We are so proud of his demonstrated dedication, advocacy, and leadership skills. He has even organized meeting times with faculty to advocate for himself and his peers. Keep up the awesome work, Enzo! You are a leader of tomorrow.”

“Since the first day of school Nora has displayed the Jesuit value of Men and Women for Others,” says Loyola teacher Mr. DeVito. “It seems as though being able to put the needs of her peers before her own comes naturally to Nora. She consistently shows genuine interest in the well-being of others, and often follows up with an offering of assistance or advice. She truly uses her whole heart to live out the mission of our school, by making each person she interacts with feel known and loved.”

 “Rosemary was chosen as Loyola Leader because of her leadership and enthusiasm for learning,” says Loyola teacher Ms. Fonte. “She has been a wonderful example of ‘Magis’ meaning she always strives to do more and go above and beyond. Rosemary comes to school each day with a positive attitude and she is always engaged in her schoolwork. Congratulations, Rosemary!”

Each month, a student from each grade who have distinguished themselves and exemplify the two core values of Loyola Academy (“Magis” and “Women and men for and with others”) are recognized by the Loyola Academy team. Students also have the opportunity to submit votes for their peers who they feel have shown great strides in becoming a leader in our community.


enzo   nora   rosemary