STCPS Teacher Honored at Red Bandana Game

On September 21, during the annual Red Bandana Game at Boston College, Saint Columbkille Partnership School’s very own music teacher, Kiara Zani, was honored with the Extra Yard for Teachers Award. This recognition, part of the College Football Playoff (CFP) Foundation's "Extra Yard for Teachers" initiative, celebrates educators who make a significant impact in their schools and communities.

The Red Bandana Game, one of the most important events in Boston College athletics, honors the legacy of Welles Crowther, a BC alumnus who sacrificed his life on September 11, 2001, while saving the lives of others. This year, the game coincided with Extra Yard for Teachers Week, which highlights the role of teachers in shaping future generations.

Kiara Zani, an alumna of Boston College, reflected on the deep personal significance of receiving the award at such a meaningful event. “It was an incredible honor to be recognized on this night,” Zani shared. “To be acknowledged by Boston College, my alma mater, and to represent Saint Columbkille in front of a community that means so much to me, is truly hard to put into words.”

Zani, who has been a dedicated member of the Saint Columbkille faculty since 2017, has made a profound impact as a music educator. She brings her passion for social justice into the classroom, weaving together music and advocacy to teach students the power of using their voices for change. With a master’s degree in curriculum instruction from Boston College, Zani’s self-designed music curriculum reflects her belief in the importance of amplifying voices, especially those often unheard.

Zani’s connection to Boston College runs deep, as both she and her father are proud BC alumni. During her time at BC, Zani was an active member of the Screaming Eagles Marching Band and University Chorale, spending many Fall evenings at Alumni Stadium, the same field where she was honored on Saturday night. “To be back at Alumni Stadium, wearing my Screaming Eagles jacket, and to be honored in front of the marching band meant the world to me,” she said.

Zani also noted the importance of the Red Bandana Game itself. “It’s one of the most significant events in collegiate sports, as it honors the life and sacrifice of Welles Crowther,” she said. “It was incredibly moving to be recognized on the same night we honor someone who represents the values we try to instill in our students—being men and women for others.”

This award not only acknowledges Zani’s work as a teacher but also highlights the strong partnership between Saint Columbkille and Boston College. “Being recognized by BC is wonderful for our school,” Zani said. “It speaks to the fruitful relationship between our institutions and the shared commitment to education and community.”

Saint Columbkille Partnership School is proud to have Ms. Zani as part of our community, and we celebrate her outstanding contributions as a music educator and the recognition she so rightfully deserves. Congratulations, Ms. Zani, for being an inspiring teacher and leader, both in our classrooms and beyond!