Saint Columbkille Students Join Simmons University for Youth Field Hockey Night

On September 25, 2025, the Saint Columbkille Partnership School (STCPS) Field Hockey team had the exciting opportunity to join the Simmons University Sharks for Youth Field Hockey Night at Daly Field. This annual event offers young athletes from STCPS the chance to practice with collegiate players and forge lasting connections through mentorship and athletics.

The event was organized by Simmons University head coach Tori Shaffer, alongside Saint Columbkille’s own Athletic Director, Jen Krauthoff, and Field Hockey coach, Kiara Zani. Students were paired with Simmons players for warm ups, giving them one-on-one time to practice drills and build bonds with their college buddies. The day was a special opportunity for the younger players in grades 4-8 to see what it's like to train and play at a higher level, while also realizing that much of what they practice is mirrored by collegiate athletes.

“Our girls got to practice key skills like offensive pulls, shooting on net, and hearing that satisfying sound of the ball hitting the back of the goal,” said Coach Zani. “It was incredible to see them receive individualized coaching—each player had a one-on-one experience with their buddy, something we don’t always get to do in regular practice.”

After the drills, the STCPS students joined their college buddies as they walked onto the field for the National Anthem. As each Simmons player was announced, they stepped out to be recognized alongside their STCPS buddies. The younger players then got creative, making posters and leading cheers for the Simmons Sharks. The energy was high as Simmons took the field against UMass Dartmouth, scoring three goals in the first quarter and eventually winning the game 8-2. It was a thrilling experience for our students to watch high-level collegiate play, witnessing how teamwork and communication make a real difference on the field.

"It was great seeing how the Simmons team worked together," said fourth grade student Arden McAuliffe, an STCPS player. "A lot of the things they do, we do at our practices too, and it was cool to practice with them and then watch them in action."

The night wasn’t just about practice and competition—it was also about mentorship and connection. As student Kate Brothers shared, "My favorite part was meeting my buddy, Ali. She’s such a good player, and she encouraged me when I messed up, telling me to keep going. That made the whole experience really fun."

Youth Field Hockey Night is an important tradition for STCPS, fostering not only athletic skills but also sportsmanship and community. The opportunity to share the field with a college team at such a high-quality facility strengthens the program and builds excitement for the future. This season, the STCPS field hockey team will continue their journey with upcoming games against Montrose and St. Joe’s of Needham, knowing that experiences like this one are helping them grow both on and off the field.

“We're building a strong program,” said Coach Zani. "It’s exciting to see our younger players start so early, and the mentorship from the older students and the Simmons team helps create a positive, encouraging atmosphere that will serve them well for years to come."

With smiles, cheers, and plenty of team spirit, this year’s Youth Field Hockey Night was another memorable success for both Saint Columbkille and Simmons University.