Class of 1962 Celebrates $13,000 Contribution to STCPS On Thursday, December 13, 2018, members of the class of 1962 celebrated a nearly $13,000 donation to Saint Columbkille Partnership School.
2018 Grandparent & Special Elder Day On Friday, October 5, 2018, about 200 grandparents and special elders (including seven alumni) joined us at Saint Columbkille Partnership School to spend the morning with their students.
James (‘49E) & Mary Lou Jacobs, Saint Columbkille 2018 Distinguished Alumni Saint Columbkille Partnership School and the Saint Columbkille Alumni Association are pleased to honor James (‘49E) and Mary Lou Jacobs with the 2018 Distinguished Alumni Award at this year’s Come Home to Columb event on Saturday, June 9, 2018. Jim and Mary Lou have been long-standing members of the Saint Columbkille community and their contributions are both generous and everlasting.
Class of ’36 Graduate Remembers Her Years at Saint Columbkille By Margaret’s daughter, Marie T. (Sullivan) Musialek