
The BC Race to Educate has become Saint Columbkille’s signature fundraiser due, in part, to the consistent efforts of our students, staff and families in raising donations prior to race day. In 2024, we raised $165,000! Thank you for your help and support to ensure that all students at Saint Columbkille receive a high-quality Catholic education.
How to register (RunReg) and set up your fundraising page (PledgeReg)
  • Step 1: Register for the race through RunReg/Outside online. If this is your first time registering for the race, select "Register as a Guest." 
  • Step 2: Receive a confirmation email with link to your fundraising page on PledgeReg.
  • Step 3: See below for step-by-step instructions to set up and personalize your PledgeReg page.
  • Step 4: Ask friends and family for donations with your personalized PledgeReg link.
  • Step 5: Check out your progress and the school's total fundraising goal on the main BCRTE PledgeReg page.

Fundraising 101

Many people are afraid of fundraising. It can be intimidating to ask friends and family for money. That said, if you are passionate about what you are supporting, people WILL want to support you. Here are some ways to get started:

That’s right…ask! Ask personally, ask directly, and ask repeatedly. People who receive a group email or see a Facebook post are a lot less likely to donate than people who get a personalized, individual request from you by email, by phone, or in person. Click here for a list of possible people to ask!

Ask, ask, and ask again
Many people will wait to donate until you remind them. Remember, when you ask people more than once, you’re telling them how important this is to you. It is definitely OK to send an email out every couple weeks, and to post on Facebook a few times a week!

Ask everyone!
Think beyond friends and family. You can ask everyone you know to sponsor you: neighbors, colleagues, ex-coworkers; members of your faith community; people on your softball team; third cousins; even your parents’ friends. Ask everyone!

Ask for a specific amount
Your fundraising page has some suggested donation amounts built in. But when you’re reaching out to people personally, it helps to let them know what you’re asking for specifically. Suggest an amount that you think is right for them – $15, $30, or more!

Choose a communication method that works
Asking for donations is easier if you pick a method you are comfortable with. But keep in mind that email is the most effective tool. Facebook posts and tweets are likely to get passed by, because they are directed to such a big audience. So get personal! Email your potential donors individually with a short note telling them why Saint Columbkille and the BC Race to Educate matters to you, why you’re supporting the school, and why they should join you. Reach out by phone and talk to people in person, too!

Customize your team page
Please update your team page – your donors will love it! Upload a photo. Replace the default text with information about your team and why you’ve chosen to come together to support Saint Columbkille Partnership School. And consider changing your team fundraising goal. The default is $250 for all teams, but you can make it as much as you want. Once you reach your goal, increase it to keep your donors and team members motivated!

Manual Donation Form

As an alternative, for any donors who prefer not to use a credit card on the PledgeReg website, please use this form to track their donation. You can either add them to your PledgeReg page manually or send donations into school with your child and we will enter them for you. If your family has created a team, donations will be entered for the team. Either way, please keep track of the donations on this form and send them to school with your child.
